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Christian Democrats Consider Ban on EU Posts for Former Communists

February 5, 2004

A prominent party in European Parliament may soon pass a resolution calling on the body to ban former communists from jobs at the European institutions.


The European People's Party (EPP) is wrestling with the thorny issue of whether it should ban former communists from taking up posts in the European institutions. The issue could have strong implications for Estonia which has nominated ex-communist Siim Kallas as its Commissioner from 1 May when enlargement takes place. The European Parliament has the right to approve all of the candidates after they have been chosen by EU governments. Kallas, a former prime minister in Estonia, was a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1972 to 1990. A resolution currently being considered by the EPP, the EU's Christian Democratic party, calls on the political parties of the European Parliament not to accept anyone in their ranks who previously served under oppressive or totalitarian communist regimes. (Euobserver.com)