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Investigative Journalism

Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 2.00 p.m. in Room F/G


Conflict sensitive journalism focuses on human rights, conflict analysis, longer time perspective on conflicts and on peaceful solutions.

The idea behind this still new branch of journalism is to measure the quality of reporting and editing by the dimension it dedicates to the rights of people involved in conflicts and whether all – or at least a large number – of affected groups are given the opportunity to express their concerns and wills. By nature, this approach has an investigative component. But it can't be put on a level with investigative journalism in the sense of a critical, conflict searching approach. Even if peace journalism is not the same as investigative journalism, there are interfaces between them – but aren't there also contradictions? Doesn't investigative journalism have to simplify and reduce conflicts down to a few statements and conflict parties? Doesn't it need to paint a black and white picture with good guys and bad guys? Is there time anyway to investigate in the middle of a conflict?

Antonia Koop
Journalist and documentary filmmaker, Germany

Misha Glenny
Journalist and author, UK

Stephan Weichert
Professor for journalism at Macromedia University for Media and Communication (MHMK), Germany