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A Cycle of Violence

May 10, 2002
Israels Premierminister Ariel Sharon und Palästinenserführer Yasser ArafatImage: AP

The numbers of the dead change almost daily. Sometimes they rise by single digits, sometimes by double.

They are as unpredictable as how or when the 2 1/2 year conflict between Israelis and Palestinians will end.

With every attempt at mediation by Brussels, Washington or a handful of Arab nations come new reports of a Palestinian suicide attack in some Israeli city or the movement of Israeli Army tanks into Palestinian territories.

Around one in every 2000 Palestinians have been killed since September 2000, a much higher ratio have been injured. Close to 500 Israelis have died and thousands more injured. The psychological damage wrought on both populations is immeasurable.

DW-WORLD presents a dossier of our profiles, anaylses and selected reports on the Middle East conflict and the effect it's had on Germany, Europe and the rest of the world.

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