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Quadriga - Debt Drama - EU good, Greeks bad?

July 2, 2015

The heads of European countries say they just want to save Greece. Greek PM Alexis Tsipras says he's being blackmailed by Europe.


He says EU-imposed austerity is destroying the Greek economy and threatens its democracy. Tsipras says the Greek people should decide in a referendum: So will they choose EU austerity or Tsipras?

Brüssel Sondergipfel zum griechischen Schuldenstreit
Image: picture-alliance/AP Photo/G.V. Wijngaert
Greichenland Premierminister Alexis Tsirpas
Image: Reuters/ERT

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Our guests:

Quadriga 02.07.15 Faye Karaviti

Faye Karaviti - is the Berlin Correspondent for the Athens News Agency, Real News Media Group and Greece’s Alpha TV. She says: "So many mistakes, from all sides! And all in the name of Europe, democracy and solidarity. Such a lack of leadership…"

14.05.2015 Quadriga Weidenfeld, Ursula.jpg

Ursula Weidenfeld - is one of Germany's best-known economics journalists. She says: "Europe was built on compromise. Greece has put an end to that era."

Alan Posener - German-British author and commentator for the daily newspaper DIE WELT. He says: "Now is the time to rethink Europe."

14.05.2015 Quadriga Posener, Alan