Inside Europe | Podcasting | DW | 12.12.2005
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Inside Europe

Inside Europe is a one hour weekly news magazine that explores the topical issues shaping the continent.

The programme includes a European newscast, interviews with newsmakers and personalities, background features and cultural reports from correspondents throughout the region. The programme is produced every Thursday.

Look back at the past few decades, and you'll find Europe making the headlines time and time again. No other part of the globe has experienced such dynamic political and social change. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War, the formation of a united Europe, the introduction of a single currency - momentous events affecting the lives of millions - and of interest to millions more.

Inside Europe has been chosen as one of the best programmes broadcast via shortwave worldwide. The annual handbook "Passport to World Band Radio" has named Inside Europe in its top ten in the 2000, 2004 and 2006 editions.


  • Datum 12.12.2005
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  • Datum 12.12.2005
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