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EU Presidency favourable to the recent Franco-German proposals

Greek Minister of State for Europe, Tassos Yiannitsis, in an interview with Deutsche Welle


The Greek EU Presidency has reacted cautiously but favourably to the recent Franco-German proposals on the future of the European Union. Speaking on the English Service of Deutsche Welle Radio, the Greek Minister of State for Europe, Tassos Yiannitsis, welcomed the idea of the President of the EU Commission being elected by the European Parliament, provided it was "done with some qualfied majority, not simple majority". He also agreed that it would contribute to the efficiency of the common foreign policy if "we could merge the two positions of the commissioner (for external relations) and the High Representative for Foreign Policy into one position with that person belonging to the Commission and being accountable to the Council (of Ministers)." This had also been the Greek position so "it's easy for me to respond to these two issues."

21 January 2003