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Action! How to convey your message through the media.

26. März 2012

Interviews, statements and other public events are high-pressure situations which require personal confidence.

02.2012 DW Akademie Praktium

In brief exercises in front of a camera, members of DW Akademie's media training division will provide tips on how to develop poise and confidence. They will also point out methods to convey messages as effectively as possible. Participants will learn how to support their messages through body language and gestures. The short media trainings will be offered Monday, 25 June from 13:30 to 17:30 at the Deutsche Welle Media Lounge in the foyer of the World Conference Center Bonn.

20-minute time slots can be reserved in advance or directly at the venue. Participants will be given an assessment on their on-camera performance in combination with a short coaching on how to best convey a message. For more information please go to http://www.dw.de/mediatraining

Email: mediatraining.akademie@dw.de
Phone: +49.(0)228.429 3505